The Society for Action in Disability and Health Awareness (SADHANA) is a non-profit organization that is registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It is also registered under various other acts, including the Income Tax Act both under 12A and 80G, the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, and the Employees Provident Fund Organisation, with the Niti Aayog’s NGO-DARPAN, the Employees State Insurance Act, and the Odisha State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act and has been renewed as needed.

This legal status allows SADHANA to operate as a non-profit and to receive tax-exempt status for donations made to the organization.

SADHANA is also subject to various laws and regulations that apply to non-profit organizations in India, including those related to financial reporting, governance, and charitable activities. We strive to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in order to maintain our legal status and to serve our clients and the community in an ethical and responsible manner. As a registered society, SADHANA is governed by a specific executive body that is responsible for overseeing the organization and making decisions on behalf of the members. The body is formed by electing the members and is accountable to the members for the actions of the organization.